Inner Confidence

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The Difference Between a 21-Year-Old Woman and a 31-Year-Old Woman

A guy walks into a bar. He sees a hot 21-year-old sitting at one of the bar, and he sees a hot 31-year-old sitting at the other end. Does he use the same game on both chicks?Answer: NO WAY!Being good at gaming is about surveying the playing field and knowing who you’re dealing with. A 31-year-old is much harder to impress, but a 21-year-old will balk if you come on too strong. There are challenges and rewards with both.The most put-together dudes will instantly assess the landscape and know how to approach each woman in a way that jives with her sensibilities. Essentially, he gets to choose which one he takes home because he’s mastered the subtle art of speaking to women of different stages of their lives.

The 21-Year-Old Wants to Have Fun

When women are in their early 20’s, they’re at a stage in life where they’re looking for fun. They’re still willing to date musicians, personal trainers and yoga teachers because they believe in “the dream.” They buy into the potential.She doesn’t care if you know how to cook. She doesn’t care if you’ve held a steady job for the last 8 years. She doesn’t give a shit if you have a 401K.She wants to have fun, feel hot and be a young know-it-all who’s got life all figured out. When you approach a chick in her early 20’s, keep it light, super entertaining and really fun. Keep her laughing.Now, don’t get me wrong: all women want to have fun and be entertained. Only difference is a 21-year-old will make her decision based purely on how fun and entertaining you are. A 31-year-old is much more discerning and needs to see more before she’ll say ‘yes.’

The 31-Year-Old Wants to See Value

When I approach a 31-year-old at a bar, I do my best to demonstrate that I have value. If you're reading this and wondering what your value is, it's already too late. She is gonna see through your BS right away. She knows what’s up. She’s been in the workforce long enough to have dealt with professional adults, she’s probably making a decent living and she wants a man who can match her.Of course she wants to laugh with you, but she needs to see your serious side as well. She will care that you’ve been in the same job for the last 8 years and she’ll be impressed that you have a 401K.Most importantly: you can’t sell a 31-year-old on your potential. If you haven’t achieved your “dream” yet, she knows that you’re probably not going to. You can’t run “I’m gonna” game – she knows it’s bullshit.Generally, 31-year-olds are more analytical and they’ve gotten to a point in their lives where they’re not willing to “just have fun.” They’ve got skin in the game and if you don’t live up, you’ll get knocked out in a few seconds.

Taking Things Further

When you get the differences between chicks in their 20’s and chicks in their 30’s, you’ll do things differently. A 31-year-old will care, notice and re-evaluate if your house is a mess. A 21-year-old probably has two roommates and scuzz in her sink: she doesn’t give a shit.Understand the different priorities each age group has and you’ll be golden. Don’t fuck it up by making a rookie mistake like telling a 31-year-old you smoke pot every day.The Lesson: Know who you’re dealing with. When you can tell the difference between a 21-year-old and a 31-year-old, you’ll be golden.