Inner Confidence

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Are You a Boob or Butt Guy?

I have a buddy Jason who is always talking about "big tittied blondes" his words, not mine.

When I'm out with this guy every girl he sees he turns to me and says "look at those titties!"

It's like he's in 7th grade and he's never seen female body parts before.

What I find incredibly interesting is that out of all the men I know who are extremely successful with beautiful women, they have one thing in common...

They are ALL butt guys!

The reason is simple, having big boobs isn't a challenge. Any girl who is fat, is gonna have big boobs. It's also extremely easy to get plastic surgery for a breast augmentation.

But the only way to have a nice ass is to be in really good shape. It's like a skinny guy with a 6 pack, that shit doesn't count.

Dudes into big breasts are almost never very good with women and funny enough 98/100 times dress like shit.

Anyone who dresses well and is good with women is not into big tits. They are butt lovers.

Obviously I get the sex appeal of big boobs. But big breasts paired with no buttocks is not attractive. A lot of women are combatting this by going for a Brazilian butt lift, thanks to the Kardashians. I'm not a fan of fake backsides tho, sculpt that derriere in the gym! A plastic surgeon is never the answer.

I think we have a finite number of breasts we need to touch and those that are well dressed and good with women completed the number by 24 years old.

Name 10 ultra super mega sex symbols with monster tits.

Now name 10 with small.

See how that worked.

Now those with big tits: show me their educated well dressed man.......see you in about 6 years when you complete this.

Obsessing over big tits are for white trash idiots that dress like shit and can't get women at will.

Whenever a girl I'm dating with a nice butt complains that she wished she had bigger boobs, I tell her this and it makes her day.

Hint - you should be saying this on all of your dates if it comes up, major brownie points await you.

Another word that gets thrown around we too often these days is "curves" and "hourglass figure." You'll see a lot of women describing themselves as such on online dating sites.

Don't be fooled, these often are just ways to mask the real word: Fat

So what's better than big breats? Perky breasts! Cleavage done right is the way to go and maybe a tiny hint of nipples showing through the shirt. If she doesn't have a huge bust, there's nothing wrong with push-up bras and lingerie to add some enhancements to the bosom.

I think way too many women are spending money on implants when they should be spending more time in the gym to get the optimal hip to ass ratio and a nice plump, round and firm posterior.

So guys, please stop applauding big boobs and give more love to the small chested woman with the nice bum.

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